Friday, March 14, 2008

The Raconteur Gets a Facelift.

So, I stayed up till noon today working on this thing, and let me tell you, HTML is something that, as Barbara Bush once said of Ms. Ferraro, rhymes with 'rich'. No really, it's evil. Spawn-of-Satan level evil.

But, we've finally pulled away the hazard tape and taken down the construction signs. I'm proud of my efforts. The Raconteur now boasts:

  • Two sidebars, instead of just the one on the right.
  • A larger area in total.
  • A search box.
  • An email address (impressive eh?)

The list looks dishearteningly sparse now but believe you me, actually getting it done while being entirely code oblivious is a frightening concept. And one that can take you upwards of ten hours.

In addition to the above, I now have at least a crude and rudimentary understanding of what changes what in the template code, which gives me the ability to modify such things as color and so on.

Translation: Now that we've tackled the code, expect a thematic overhaul in the coming days/weeks (depending on how long it takes me to woo those imaging genius people into helping me out here).

Also, while I'm being silly here, it bears noting that Svveet Jayne is true to her name.